Learning Objective Describe basic elements of a compensation package. Explain different features of base pay […]
Motivating Employees Through Compensation
Learning Objective Describe how employee compensation practices strategically align with overall HR strategy. Use the […]
Developing Employees and Their Careers
Learning Objective Explain why employee development practices are useful for organizations. Describe how employee development […]
Training for Improved Performance
Learning Objective Explain how employee training practices can be aligned with an organization’s competitive strategy. […]
Measuring Performance and Providing Feedback (Pertemuan ke-8 MSDM)
Learning Objective Describe how merit-based and parity-based performance management systems relate to overall HR and […]
Managing Employee Retention and Separation
Employee retention: Â Tindakan menjaga karyawan; Sangat penting untuk mempertahankan pekerja yang baik Employee separation: Tindakan […]
Selecting Employees Who Fit
Seleksi karyawan adalah proses pemilihan orang-orang untuk dimasukkan ke dalam sebuah organisasi. Seleksi yang efektif […]
Recruiting Talented Employees
In English Employee recruiting Perekrutan karyawan adalah proses mengidentifikasi dan mengajak orang untuk bekerja dalam […]
Designing Productive and Satisfying Work
Learning Objectives: How is work design strategic How are employee jobs determined How do we […]
Discrimination and Equality of Employment
Sekilas Konvensi Diskriminasi (Pekerjaan dan Jabatan) 1958 (No. 111) Tujuan Konvensi Diskriminasi (Pekerjaan dan Jabatan) […]