Engaging Consumers and Communicating Customer Value

Engaging Consumers and Communicating Customer Value

The Promotion Mix

The promotion mix is the marketer’s bag of tools for engaging and communicating with  customers and other stakeholders. To deliver a clear and compelling message, each tool must be carefully coordinated under the concept of integrated marketing communications (IMC).


Any paid form of nonpersonal presentation and promotion of ideas, goods, or services by an identified sponsor.

Sales promotion,

Short-term incentives to encourage the purchase or sale of a product or service.

Personal selling,

Personal customer interactions by the firm’s sales force for the purpose of engaging customers, making sales, and building customer relationships.

Public relations (PR),

Building good relations with the company’s various publics by obtaining favorable publicity, building up a good corporate image, and handling or heading off unfavorable rumors, stories, and events.

Direct and digital marketing,

Engaging directly with carefully targeted individual consumers and customer communities to both obtain an immediate response and build lasting customer relationships

Integrated Marketing Communications

Integrated marketing communications—IMC—is a really hot topic these days. No other area of marketing is changing so quickly and profoundly.

A big part of the reason is the huge surge in customer engagement through digital media—online, mobile, and social media marketing.

Setting the Total Promotion Budget and Mix

  • The affordable method, Setting the promotion budget at the level management thinks the company can afford.
  • The percentage-of-sales method, Setting the promotion budget at a certain percentage of current or forecasted sales or as a percentage of the unit sales price
  • The competitive-parity method, Setting the promotion budget to match competitors outlays.
  • The objective-and-task method, Developing the promotion budget by (1) defining specific promotion objectives, (2) determining the tasks needed to achieve these objectives, and (3) estimating the costs of performing these tasks. The sum of these costs is the proposed promotion budget.

1 Comment

  1. jesica lucky farabila

    Bauran Promosi merupakan seperangkat alat bagi pemasar untuk terlibat dan berkomunikasi dengan pelanggan serta pemangku kepentingan lainnya. Setiap alat dalam bauran promosi harus dikoordinasikan secara cermat di bawah konsep Komunikasi Pemasaran Terpadu (Integrated Marketing Communications/IMC) agar dapat menyampaikan pesan yang jelas dan menarik.

    Alat-alat dalam Bauran Promosi meliputi:

    1. Periklanan
    Segala bentuk presentasi nonpersonal dan promosi ide, barang, atau jasa yang dibayar oleh sponsor tertentu.

    2. Promosi Penjualan
    Insentif jangka pendek untuk mendorong pembelian atau penjualan produk/jasa.

    3. Hubungan Masyarakat dan Publisitas
    Berbagai program untuk mempromosikan atau melindungi citra perusahaan atau produk individualnya.

    4. Penjualan Personal
    Presentasi lisan dalam suatu percakapan dengan calon pembeli untuk tujuan melakukan penjualan.

    5. Pemasaran Langsung
    Penggunaan surat, telepon, faksimili, email, dan alat penghubung nonpersonal lain untuk berkomunikasi secara langsung atau meminta tanggapan langsung dari pelanggan tertentu dan calon pelanggan.

    Setiap alat promosi memiliki karakteristik dan biaya unik. Pemasar harus memahami keunggulan dan kelemahan setiap alat untuk mengembangkan program komunikasi pemasaran terpadu yang terkoordinasi dan efektif dalam menyampaikan nilai pelanggan yang diinginkan.

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