How companies develop the objectives driving their strategies Companies develop objectives that drive their strategies […]
Components of the Strategic Planning Process
How a mission statement helps a company with its strategic planning. A mission statement is […]
Levels of Planning by Organization
A value proposition is a clear and concise statement that explains the unique value that […]
A Company’s Marketing Plan Flows from its Strategic Plan
Why does everything start with customers? Or is it only marketing that starts with customers? […]
The Importance of Marketing
Why study marketing? Marketing is a fundamental component of any business, whether it’s a large […]
Butuh Ketangguhan Untuk Kuliah Sambil Bekerja, Apakah Anda Cukup Tangguh?
Mahasiswa Politeknik NSC Surabaya ada yang kuliahnya pagi, ada yang kuliahnya malam. Ada juga yang […]
Moda Transportasi dalam Ekspor dan Impor
Kapal Kontainer (Container Ship) Digunakan untuk mengangkut kontainer melalui laut. Kapal kontainer khusus dibuat untuk […]
Aku Bersyukur Atas Nikmat Mu
Tak terasa bertambah 1 umurku, dan berkurang 1 usiaku. Telah banyak hari-hari yang kulalui, ada […]
Asuransi Ekspor dan Impor
Prinsip-prinsip Asuransi Kepentingan yang dapat diasuransikan (Insurable Interest) Jaminan atas ganti rugi (Indemnity) Kepercayaan (Trustfull) […]