Assalamualaikum, my name Dwi Ainur Rohmah, I am aa 4th semester student of the business administration program at the Polytechnic NSC Surabaya. Here, I will give some of the reasons why I chose to study at the NSC.
First, we can work while study because NSC provides a flexible time to workers who want to study leading to a higher level, to go to college in the morning or evening with the same subject matter.
Second, for students who have recently graduated high school / vocational school who want to continue studying while working, NSC is the place. We could be channeled through job training and directly channeled to work to several companies.
Third, NSC have four programs namely Business Administration, Accounting, Hospitality, and Computer Engineering. The fourth study program much needed by the company.
Fourth, lecturer and staff are very friendly, and kind.
Fifth, we can rearange our payment schedule, so do not be confused to think about the payment.
Sixth, there are two scholarships are for outstanding students and scholarships for underprivileged students.

I am very grateful and happy to be studying at the Polytechnic NSC with the facilities and advantages.
That,s all of my testimony. Wassalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

Source: Duwi Ainur Rohmah: We Can Rearrange Our Payment Schedule

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