Articles sent to JRAI should follow the guidelines stated below: 1. The article should systematically cover: Abstract to include research problem(s), objective(s), method, findings and contributions. Abstract should consist of 150-400 words (in English). Abstract is followed by at least four keywords for easier alphabetical listing. Introduction to include research motivation(s), background, research question(s) and research objective(s). Theoretical Framework and Hypothesis Development (if present) to explain the theoretical framework used as the logical basis to develop hypothesis or research proposition and research model. Research Method to describe data selection and collection approach, measurement and operational variable definition and data analysis method. Results to provide research finding(s),,,, Klik Disini
Theoretical Framework and Hypothesis Development (if present) to explain the theoretical framework used as the logical basis to develop hypothesis or research proposition and research model. Pengurusan Paspor Murah