Kata Kunci:
Petty Cash, Management, ProceduresAbstrak
Cash is one type of fund that has a material impact on the running of a company's business and serves as a means of payment for operational needs. Because if there is no money in the company, the business will not run well. In order for the business to run smoothly, proper and efficient cash management is required in terms of cash procedures and recording. There are two types of cash that can be used in business: Petty cash and Large cash. What the author will research is petty cash, which is money used by companies that are relatively small and inefficient if paying by check. This study aims to identify and develop effective petty cash management procedures at PT Tiga Kekuatan Utama. The research method used involves literature study, interviews, and observations. The results showed deficiencies in current petty cash management practices, such as lack of transparency, lack of clear segregation of duties, and lack of adequate supervision. Based on these findings, that the existing petty cash at PT Tiga Kekuatan Utama is not in accordance with Mulyadi's (2017) opinion so that it is necessary to make standardized SOPs and the required forms.