Kami merupakan perusahaan yag bergerak di bidang consultant management & business yang bermitra secara ekslusif dengan Bank Syariah terbesar di Indonesia membuka lowongan:
Sales Force Cicil Emas, Pensiunan, & KPR
Penempatan : Bank Syariah Terbesar di Indonesia Surabaya
Usia Minimal 20 taahun
Minimal lulusan SMA/Sederajat
Berpengalaman di bidang marketing (diutamakan)
Memiliki kemampuan komunikasi yang baik
Menyukai tantangan, bekerja keras, siap bekerja berdasarkan target
Polygon Bikes is HIRING Polygon Group is a global bicycle company with presence in 29 countries and the largest bicycle retail network in Southeast Asia. We value passions, creativity, courage. We value you.
FInance Supervisor
Manage and monitor the transaction process and reconcile the company’s receivable balances
Check and verify bank account reconciliation data
Manage, monitor, and ensure that company payment prosess to vendors is timely
Manage, monitor, and ensure that reimbursement process to employess is carried out correctly and on time
Check over each of the company’s financial transactions on a regular basis
Manage and control the usage of company cash and balance in accordance with applicable financial procedures
Perform financial analysis and make the necessary reports related to their duties and responsibilities
Bachelor’s degree in finance management, acoounting, mathematics, or statistic is preferable
2 year experience of finance & accounting experience will be an advantage
Excellent communication skills, both written and verbal
Strong numeracy and analytical skills
Good problem-solving and time management skills
Highly organized and detail-oriented
Placement Sidoarjo Send Your Aplicant Via Web/Glints polygonbikes.com/id/karir
a. Pria, Max 40 thn, min D3/S1 Semua Jurusan b. Berpengalaman sebagai Koord Gudang (Retail) min. 3 tahun dengan jumlah barang min 3000 item c. Berwibawa/jiwa pemimpin, pekerja keras, Loyalitas dan dapat kerja team d. Kreatif dan Inisiatif tinggi membuat kemajuan prestasi Gudang e. Mampu mengatur dan mengawasi Gudang f. Mampu mengoperasikan MS. Office g. Mampu memberikan motivasi kerja kepada team dan berkomunikasi baik
Gaji pokok sesuai UMK Surabaya
BPJS Kesehatan & Ketenagakerjaan
Pajak penghasilan (PPH21) ditanggung perusahaan
Submit Your CV Jl. Muncul No. 08 Keboansikep-Gedangan-Sidoarjo [email protected]
Penerimaan karyawan berdasarkan hasil UJI KOMPETENSI, LULUS INTERVIEW dan UJI KESEHATAN