repository <p>repository</p> en-US [email protected] (admin_repository) Mon, 30 Oct 2017 02:44:50 +0000 OJS 60 Mahmudah, S. Kepuasan Mahasiswa Pengaruhnya Terhadap Loyalitas di Politeknik NSC Surabaya <p><em>This study is aimed at: 1) identifying the description of customers (students)’ satisfaction and loyalty at &nbsp;NSC Surabaya Polytechnic, 2) identifying the effect of customers’ satisfaction comprising the dimensions of tangibles</em><em>(X<sub>1</sub>)</em><em>, </em><em>reliability </em><em>(X<sub>2</sub>)</em><em><sub>, </sub></em><em>assurance </em><em>(X<sub>3</sub>)</em><em>, </em><em>responsiveness</em><em>(X<sub>4</sub>), </em><em>and emphaty </em><em>(X<sub>5</sub>)</em> <em>on loyalty</em><em>. In achieving the goal, the researcher used the </em><em>explanatory method with descriptive analysis and inferential analysis (through two </em><em>analysis i.e. correlation and multiple linear regression). F-test and t-test with alpha 5% were used to test the significance of research variables/dimensions. The data </em><em>was taken from all students (in Accountancy, Business Administration, and Computer Engineering) of the NSC </em><em>Surabaya </em><em>Polytechnic</em><em> using the proportional random sampling technique and 5% </em><em>precision method to take the sample. The total number of respondents was 53</em><em>. Questionnaire (main instrument), interview and documentary were </em><em>used in collecting the data. The result of this study shows that: </em><em>1) the </em><em>customers’ satisfaction at NSC Surabaya Polytechnic was moderately satisfied, with moderate </em><em>loyalty, 2) the customers’ satisfaction correlated with the loyalty (R = 0.761), 3) silmutaneously, all </em><em>the customers’ satisfaction variables </em><em>significantly effected the loyalty </em><em>with the effect contribution of 53.5%, and 4) the dominant variable </em><em>effecting the loyalty was the responsiveness variable</em><em>(X<sub>4</sub>)</em> <em>with a </em><em>partial determination coefficient (r</em><em><sup>2</sup></em><em>) </em><em>of 0.258 and Beta (</em><em>b</em><em>) = 0.196.</em></p> Copyright (c) 2017 repository Fri, 27 Oct 2017 00:00:00 +0000